Turkish UFO Community Mystified by Odd Stone Circle - AIC5

Turkish UFO Community Mystified by Odd Stone Circle

Today, an odd stone circle’s odd photograph turned into a web sensation, preparing the UFO people group. I likewise went over a video on the UFO Lunacy YouTube channel that requested criticism from watchers by offering the conversation starter, “What exactly is this? Where exactly is this odd structure situated?

After doing some research, I discovered the following:

The perfect geometric shape of this Stone Circle, which can be found in the Turkish province of Mersin, either arose naturally or was previously engraved.

This petroglyph is charming on the grounds that it precisely copies the first pictograms that were found in Quite a while in 1990: two circles joined by a bar in the middle.

It is as of now drawing near to the decision of a 30-year cycle and a full turn of Saturn, which demonstrates Collect of time. Every one of this lets me know that the yield circle 2020 season is going to begin. Also, the 1990 English pictograms are tantamount to this stone cutting.

This stone circle could be a “Sign for the Earth, its moon, and the energy flow,” according to one user.

Another user asserts:

“Having seen it and been there, it felt great!”

What are your thoughts on the stone circle? What could that possibly imply? The video is located below.

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