The area of paleohistory has frequently been sprinkled with weird accounts of lost antiquities and lost urban communities or civilizations. It appears to be progressively doubtful in current times, with our unquenchable investigation of the wilds of our reality, that such places shoulf exist, yet such stories catch the creative mind. An irresistible lure, offering a potential glimpse into a bizarre past that eludes our preconceived notions, is the idea of some ancient structure hidden away in an exotic location that is unknown to us. One such strange ancient rarity was purportedly tracked down in the wildernesses of Guatemala, and has proceeded to ignite hypothesis on lost civilizations and outsiders.
A strange photograph that seemed to defy explanation was sent to a well-known ufologist and conspiracy theorist, lawyer, and notary in Guatemala in 1987. It showed what seemed, by all accounts, to be a tremendous stone head sitting inside a knot of wilderness, somewhat shifted up as though it were gazing at the sky, and with it was a composed portrayal basically expressing that it had been tracked down by a landowner during the 1950s in the rainforest some place in Guatemala. This stone head surprised because it seemed to have strange features like thin lips and a big, sharp nose. It also looked like a Caucasian person, which would be strange because it didn’t look like any of the pre-Hispanic people who lived in the Americas. It also looked old because the native people wouldn’t have known anyone else. Of the whereabouts of this supposed stone head there was no notice, and Padilla obviously became fixated on tracking down it, trusting it’s odd appearance and huge size to be proof of a lost development or even old contact with powerful creatures perhaps.
If not for an explorer and author by the name of David Hatcher Childress, Padilla’s brief article on the ancient astronomy publication Ancient Skies might have vanished into obscurity and the mists of time. In the wake of coincidentally finding the article and understanding it, Childress found Padilla and had the option to get a duplicate of the puzzling photo. To him it was such a possibly earth shattering disclosure that he flew down to Guatemala in 1990 to by and by meet with Padilla, yet he would be met with dissatisfaction. After gathering, Padilla would guarantee that following quite a while of looking through he had at last tracked down the stone head on a wilderness property 10 kilometers from a little town in La Democracia in the south of Guatemala, however the head had for some time been deformed and to some degree obliterated by hostile to government rebels. Notwithstanding, albeit the sculpture was feeling the loss of its eyes, nose and mouth, Padilla had the option to take estimations, guaranteeing that it was somewhere in the range of 13 and 20 feet high. Causing Childress a deep sense of’s failure, when he requested to be taken to the site, Padilla guaranteed that it was excessively hazardous, and that the entire region saw successive battling between government powers and progressives.