The known history has been altered by new DNA testing on 2,000-year-old elongated Paracas skulls - AIC5

The known history has been altered by new DNA testing on 2,000-year-old elongated Paracas skulls

In 2014, a geneticist who conducted preliminary DNA testing on the elongated skulls of Paracas in Peru reported that they had mitochondrial DNA “with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far.” This revelation sparked controversy.

The results of a second round of DNA testing, which has now been completed, are just as contentious. The skulls that were tested, which date back as much as 2,000 years, were found to have European and Middle Eastern origins. These amazing outcomes change the known history of how the Americas were populated.

On the south coast of Peru, a desert peninsula known as Paracas can be found in Pisco Province.  In 1928, Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello made an incredible discovery here: a huge, elaborate graveyard with tombs filled with the remains of people who had the largest elongated skulls ever found.

These have gained the moniker “Paracas skulls.” More than 300 of these elongated skulls, some of which date back approximately 3,000 years, were discovered by Tello.

Strange Features of the Paracas Skulls

It is notable that most instances of skull stretching are the consequence of cranial deformity, head leveling, or head restricting, in which the skull is deliberately distorted by applying force over an extensive stretch of time.

The head is typically bound in cloth or between two pieces of wood to accomplish this. Nonetheless, while cranial distortion changes the state of the skull, it doesn’t modify different highlights that are normal for a standard human skull.

LA Marzulli, an author and researcher, recently spoke with Ancient Origins about the ways in which some of the Paracas skulls differ from ordinary human skulls:

There is a possibility that it was cradle headboarded, but I don’t think so because the foramen magnum is positioned backwards toward the back of the skull. The normal foramen magnum is closer to the jaw line…”

Marzulli said that an archaeologist has written a paper about his study of where the foramen magnum is in more than a thousand skulls. He claims that the position of the foramen magnum in the Paracas skulls is completely different from that of a normal human being, and it is also smaller, which supports our theory that this is genetic rather than cradle headboarding.

Marzulli also talked about how some of the Paracas skulls don’t have a sagittal suture—a connective tissue joint that connects the two parietal bones of the skull—and have different eye sockets as well as a very pronounced zygomatic arch (cheek bone).

Marzulli asserted, “In a normal human skull, there should be a suture that goes from the frontal plate… clear over the dome of the skull separating the parietal plates, which are the two separate plates, and connecting with the occipital plate in the rear.” We see numerous skulls in Paracas that are totally without a sagittal stitch.

There is a condition called craniosynostosis, which causes the two parietal plates to fuse together. However, Marzulli stated that there is no evidence of this condition in the Paracas skulls.

LA Marzulli shows the foramen magnum in a Paracas skull, which is also where they drilled to extract bone powder for DNA testing.

DNA Testing

Sr., the late The owner and director of the Museo Arqueologico Paracas, Juan Navarro, permitted DNA testing on three of the elongated skulls, including one infant, from the collection of 35 Paracas skulls. One more example was gotten from a Peruvian skull that had been in the US for quite a long time. One of the skulls was 800 years old, while the other was dated to around 2,000 years ago.

By drilling deeply into the foramen magnum, hair and bone powder were extracted from the samples. Marzulli explained that the goal of this procedure is to lower the risk of contamination. Likewise, full defensive dress was worn.

The samples were then sent to three different labs for testing, two in the United States and one in Canada. To avoid forming preconceived notions, the geneticists were only informed that the samples came from an ancient mummy.

Surprising Results

Only mitochondrial DNA—DNA from the mother’s side—was able to be extracted from the samples. Out of four hair tests, one of them couldn’t be groupings. The leftover three hair tests all showed a Haplogroup (hereditary populace bunch) of H2A, which is tracked down most often in Eastern Europe, and at a low recurrence in Western Europe.

The bone powder from the most extended skull tried returned as T2B, which starts in Mesopotamia and what is currently Syria, basically the core of the prolific bow. ” Marzulli stated, “It rewrites history as we know it.”

On his website, Hidden Inca Tours, Brien Foerster states, “The history of the migration of people to the Americas is far more complex than we have been told previously [if] these results hold.”

Assuming these outcomes are affirmed through additional tests, it implies that people groups from Europe and the Center East moved to the Americas some time before it is routinely accepted.

Marzulli stated that mainstream academics will likely challenge these findings by pointing to the fact that he is not a scientist; however, he encourages any skeptic to replicate the study. People, attack the evidence. “Come back to me with your science… do some science like we’ve done,” he advised. “Go down and get your own samples, pay for a DNA lab, and then come back to me.” The complete lab reports for the DNA tests can be found in the book Nephilim Hybrids by LA Marzulli.

The outcomes are likewise reliable with the way that large numbers of the Paracas skulls actually contain hints of red hair, a variety that isn’t locally tracked down in South America, yet begins in the Center East and Europe.

According to Brien Foerster, “no academics as far as we can tell can explain why some of the skulls that still have hair are red or even blonde,” and “the idea that this is from time or bleaching has NOW been disproved by two hair experts.” For the antiquated Paracas individuals, at any rate, they had blonde to rosy hair that is 30% more slender than Local American hair. It’s biological!”

Extra-terrestrial Hypothesis

There has long been a rumor that the Paracas skulls are of extraterrestrial origin because of their peculiar shape and features. Many people hoped that DNA testing would confirm this theory.

Brien Foerster writes, “As regards an “alien” component or ancestry to the skulls, we may never know.” The DNA testing programs can only compare known samples to those in a huge database called Gentech in the United States. The Ministry of Culture and Peruvian archaeologists are working together on additional testing right now.

However, LA Marzulli explained that the DNA results perfectly support his hypothesis, which he had held prior to any testing.

That is, the people of Paracas are Nephilim. The Nephilim are said to be based in the Levant, the same region where the Paracas DNA is traced, according to ancient Biblical texts. They are the hybrid offspring of the Fallen Angels and earthly women.

The results of the DNA tests are dramatic and change the course of history, regardless of whether this hypothesis is true. Additional testing may help unravel the complicated history of the Paracas people.

Next Steps

LA Marzulli and his colleagues are currently collaborating with Peruvian and American archaeologists on plans for additional testing. They have received verbal permission to collect additional samples from the head archaeologist of a Peruvian museum.

These will then be introduced to the Service of Culture for conclusive assent before the examples are taking to US labs for testing. It is anticipated that this procedure will take at least a few years to finish.

The full record of the examination and DNA testing is displayed in LA Marzulli’s most recent video Watchers 10 , which can be requested here.

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