Giant Skeletons and a Surprising Undocumented City Have Been Found in the Grand Canyon - AIC5

Giant Skeletons and a Surprising Undocumented City Have Been Found in the Grand Canyon


Chance brought us to the entrance of the underground town of the most notable giants of the early 20th century. This was a groundbreaking discovery in the Grand Canyon, which the media quickly covered.



According to a story that appeared in the Gazeta de Arizona on April 5, 1909, a culture that included people of cyclopean proportions originated in the Grand Canyon. a civilization that has only left us with a few physical remains as evidence of its presence.


The story discusses the accidental discovery of a huge underground castle by explorer GE Kinkaid while rafting on the Colorado River. It is important to note that Kinkaid received funding from the Smithsonian Institution and was a well-known archaeologist.

In accordance with their descriptions, the entrance to this enigmatic metropolis was located at the end of a tunnel that went around 1,600 meters below earth.


Kinkaid was taken aback by how difficult to access the cavern was. The entrance was located about 450 meters beneath the steep canyon’s wall. The location was in a government-protected area, and accessing it was fined.



The cave’s entrance was located above a shelf that was hidden from view by the river. I became curious when I saw the chisel marks on the wall inside the entryway, so I grabbed my revolver and entered.stated Kinkaid.

The architecture found indicated highly developed engineering abilities among the people who built that underground city.


The underground city’s center axis transformed it into a massive camera from which radiated passages that resembled wheel radii. Copper weapons and tablets covered in symbols and hieroglyphic letters resembling those we are familiar with from Egypt were hung on the walls of the main chamber.

The discovery of mummified bodies inside the citadel was another intriguing finding. None of the discovered mummies was shorter than 2.74 meters, and they were all covered in dark linen. Kinkaid claimed to have used a flashlight to snap pictures of one of them, but none of those images were discovered.

Further research turned up some fascinating information on these supposedly enormous inhabitants of the city’s beliefs.


A room with a cross-shaped plant several tens of meters long and an idol that may have been the primary deity of his religious system was discovered more than 30 meters from the door.

He had a lotus or lily flower in each hand while he was seated cross-legged. Both the cave’s engraving and the features on his face were oriental. Although the scientists of the time did not fully establish that this idol represented that religious sect, it did resemble Buddha in several ways.

The article also discusses the discovery of ceramics and other items that had been produced in other countries yet bore their trademarks.

This discovery would be of unparalleled significance since it would represent a rare mingling of cultures that is rarely found in archaeological artifacts.

The ceremonial crypt that Kinkaid and his collaborator, Professor SA Jordan, thought to be at the end of the grand hall where they discovered the mummies was the final camera they discovered during their search.

Unfortunately, not much further information regarding this discovery is provided in the article. Additionally, there are no official descriptions of or references to this mysterious underground metropolis. The Smithsonian Institute disputes knowing that this underground city even exists.



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