A stray in need of food and shelter suffers from malnourishment and parasitic infestation. - AIC5

A stray in need of food and shelter suffers from malnourishment and parasitic infestation.

A stray puppy was found abandoned on the side of a linear park trail, malnourished and infested with parasites. The rescuers took the puppy in and provided initial care, hoping to nurse him back to health. However, after observing the puppy for a few days and administering treatments for his parasite infestation, they were met with devastating news: the puppy had tested positive for distemper, a highly contagious and often fatal viral disease.

Distemper is a cruel and relentless disease that has no known cure. In its advanced stages, it can cause neurological symptoms, including seizures. The puppy, named Mariscal, was already experiencing these symptoms, indicating that the disease had progressed significantly. The veterinarian, Dr. Bolívar, explained that Mariscal’s chances of survival were slim, and his suffering was immense. Faced with this difficult reality, the rescuers made the painful decision to euthanize Mariscal, allowing him to pass peacefully and free from pain.

Mariscal’s story is a stark reminder of the consequences of human irresponsibility. The failure to vaccinate pets, control breeding, and properly care for animals can lead to devastating outcomes like Mariscal’s. His life was cut short due to a preventable disease, a tragic reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership.

For those involved in animal rescue, losing an animal they have worked so hard to save can be incredibly painful. Mariscal had already captured the hearts of his rescuers and had even found a loving family who was prepared to give him a forever home. The loss of Mariscal serves as a reminder that not all rescue stories end happily, but the love and dedication of those who work in this field remain unwavering.

Despite the heartbreak of losing Mariscal, the rescuers carry on, knowing that countless other animals need their help. Their determination to save as many lives as possible is fueled by the knowledge that they can make a difference, even if not every story ends in success. The memory of Mariscal and other animals they have lost serves as a constant reminder of why they continue to fight for the welfare of animals.

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