The Six-Fingered, Double-Row Teeth Ancient Giants

For a really long time, goliaths have been the reason for some legends and fantasies. Because each culture on Earth has its own beliefs and tales of…

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According to a different NASA expert, “Somebody else is on the Moon” (video)

“We live in an odd world,” Neil Armstrong once expressed, “with splendid advancements yet to be found and leap forwards accessible to anyone who can strip away…

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Could China’s mysterious pyramid be a long-gone alien outpost?

A group of Chinese scientists, digging into the old secrets of their nation’s starting point, have reached the unpreventable resolution that a long time back “an interstellar…

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The mummy of ancient Chinese nobility Xin Zhui, also known as Lady Dai, has been kept so well for 2,200 years that she still has hair on her head and blood in her veins

In 163 BC, Xin Zhui died. Her skin was supple to the touch, her veins still contained type-A blood, and her hair was still in place when…

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Visitors are terrified by Otzi, the man who was imprisoned in ice for the longest time in history

In 1991, two German hikers found Tzi in the Alps. He was in such perfect condition that they thought he was a recently deceased mountaineer. It turned…

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A video that looks to be of a real recovered alien entity has surfaced

First and foremost, it appears to be this was namelessly distributed without a story as it could likely distinguish the individual who shot this. That is presumably…

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Archaeologists in Mexico Discover an Ancient Prehistoric Pyramid

Archeologists in the Hidalgo district of Mexico have found an uncommon funeral home bundle in one containing a very much safeguarded skeleton enclosed by fabric, as per…

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Amazing Video: Huge Disk-Shaped UFO Seen on Camera

Have you ever taken a look up at the night sky and considered whether or not we are truly the only beings in the universe? Well, both…

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The Kabayan Caves’ charred human remains are described in “Fire Mummies”

Preservation of the departed is a genuinely notable practice from old times. Most prominently, the Egyptians used a preservation cycle that prompted the present platitude picture of…

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Strange UFO near Bradford traveling across the sky while generating a red glow

On Tuesday 26th November, Juran Harrison caught a video of an uncommon locating on Tong Street in the UK. The video cut, taken from a vehicle, shows…

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