Why does the smart Hulk need glasses if he possesses similar healing abilities? - AIC5

Why does the smart Hulk need glasses if he possesses similar healing abilities?

Frankly, I don’t think he needs them. We haven’t seen him struggle to see without them, and he regularly doesn’t wear them, such as when he Snapped, when he went into battle, and when he visited Thor. He doesn’t spend a lot of time with his glasses, just when he’s hanging out with friends and when he’s working with his equipment.

Personally, I think the glasses are a comfort, not a utility. He doesn’t need to use them, he just wears them to maintain a certain level of Bruce Banner. It helps distinguish Banner-controlled-Hulk from rampage-Hulk.

This guy would look a whole lot different with glasses.

If the glasses were for utility, why does Hulk wear them when he’s hanging out with friends? He shouldn’t need them at that point. It seems like the only time Hulk uses his glasses are when he’s doing things Bruce Banner does. He takes them off when he’s doing Hulk things. Hanging out with friends, trying to crack time travel? That’s the kind of thing Bruce does. Meeting up with Thor, battling aliens? That’s the kind of thing Hulk does. I think Banner recognizes that and still separates the two.

So, with the information we have, I don’t think Hulk needs the glasses. Banner just likes to wear them.


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