US Marines captured footage of a massive UFO in the Arizona desert - AIC5

US Marines captured footage of a massive UFO in the Arizona desert

This YouTube video shows some Naval Marines pursuing what appear to be large UFOs.


According to a telemundo description, the pHotos depict a moving helicopter adjacent to a massive flying saucer, with a number of lesser ships below them.

For those there, these incidents caused a great deal of terror and panic.


The most puzzling aspect is that none of the video participants elaborated on what took place, casting further doubt on their veracity.

You must be aware that a sizable fireball recently appeared in the skies over Germany. Is this a warning of an upcoming invasion or assault?


On YouTube, there is a video of some Naval Marines chasing what appear to be large UFOs.


According to the information provided by Telemundo, the pHotos depict a helicopter going close to a large flying saucer, with a number of lesser ships below them.

For those in attendance, these incidents caused a great deal of anxiety.


The most puzzling aspect is that no one in the video explained what happened, casting further doubt on their veracity.

You must be aware that recently a massive fireball appeared in the skies over Germany. Is this a warning of an encroachment or impending assault?

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