Unexpected proof of alien buildings has been discovered on the Moon in the form of extraordinary evidence - AIC5

Unexpected proof of alien buildings has been discovered on the Moon in the form of extraordinary evidence

Since the appearance of room missions to the moon, many bits of gossip about the presence of old vestiges of urban communities venture to the far corners of the planet. From devotees to researchers, and, surprisingly, previous space travelers, a ton of data about the moon has been spilled to people in general lately, however what is reality in this?

On July 19, 1969, the primary module of the Apollo XI mission entered circle around the Moon and every one of the arrangements that would permit the Hawk module to arrive on the outer layer of our satellite two days after the fact started to be settled. A call from Mission Central in Houston (Texas), warning the astronauts of something unusual that they should try to verify, interrupted the routine of technical preparations: It appears that a number of amateur astronomers called NASA to report that they were witnessing a LTP phenomenon close to the US spacecraft’s orbit around the Aristarchus crater.

Neil Armstrong immediately went to one of the module’s windows after receiving the order and observed “an area considerably brighter than the surrounding areas” in the vicinity of what he believed to be the Aristarchus crater in question. It appears to have some fluorescence. Although subsequent measurements of the Aristarchus crater revealed that there were levels of radioactivity in the area that were difficult to explain, it is surprising that Houston never commented on the nature of this and other sightings of strange lights during this space flight. There have been many years between then and now. In those legendary days of the man’s appearance on the Moon, numerous cosmologists gullibly accepted that the space travelers of the Apollo missions would clear up the questions brought into the world in the illumination of their nighttime perceptions.

However, this is one of the few hopes that has been shown to be unfounded. In a nutshell, they discovered a “dead” satellite in geology. On the other hand, after being thoroughly analyzed in the North American NASA laboratories, the nearly 1/3 of a ton of earth and lunar stones that the astronauts brought back to Earth, as well as their footage and measurements taken on the ground, not only did not confirm the astronauts’ impressions of the sterility of that world, but they also helped to include new and even more unsettling enigmas. For instance, the Apollo missions demonstrated the existence of a erratic magnetic field all the way around the Moon, as evidenced even by the materials “exported” by the satellite. This tiny astronomical body cannot have a core of hot or molten metal, so it is unclear how these magnetism indices came about. However, NASA engineers also pointed out that the Moon’s rotation rate is insufficient to produce a dynamo effect on lunar minerals. In his work “The moon and the planet:” American researcher Willian Corliss compiled these and other “irregularities” that NASA did not resolve during his LUNAR, ORBITER, and APOLO projects in June 1985. a catalog of astronomical anomalies that includes more than 60 distinct categories of strange lunar phenomena.

The ones that try to explain them thanks to unidentified gravitational disturbances and refer to its irregular orbit are among the most spectacular. Our satellite’s extraordinary distance from Earth is the most significant of these disturbances. This demonstrates the fragility of the Earth-Moon gravitational system and supports the theory that it was captured by our planet several thousand years ago. and as a result, it runs the serious risk of escaping again at any time… Or, even worse, it could hit this warm blue dot “someday – Corliss specifies in his work” in the future. In that case, we could lose the Moon, and this one could become a planet on its own.

There have been numerous rumors about the existence of ancient city ruins ever since space missions to the moon began. In recent years, a lot of information about the moon has been shared with the public by believers, scientists, and even former astronauts. But what is the truth about all of this?

It goes without saying that, in recent years, writers whose arguments are somewhere between science and more delirious science-fiction have greatly benefited from this type of speculation. One of them, without a doubt one of the most striking, is the American Wear Wilson, who, only 3 years subsequent to dropping the Apollo project, distributed his book “The Moon, a secretive spaceship” in 1975, in which, as well as denouncing the NASA to conceal data got during its missions on the Moon, reasoned that our satellite was really a sort of monstrous spaceship, circular in whose center was a goliath extraterrestrial base. In his book “Someone else in on our Moon” (1976), George H. Leonard convincedly showed some NASA photographs of our visit to the Moon where, in his opinion, samples of alien technology were clearly visible. It didn’t take long for other authors to catch up. His arguments were based on images that appear to show wheels on the lunar dust, which he thought were entrances to underground bases or huge excavators… What do you think?

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