The 6 most bizarre UFO crashes before Roswell - AIC5

The 6 most bizarre UFO crashes before Roswell

You might be led to believe by some skeptics that the Roswell UFO crash set the standard for reporting on strange events. But that is incorrect.

Years before that, unidentified objects had been falling from the sky. The six most intriguing cases are listed below.

6. Aurora, Texas – 1897

A large UFO is said to have crashed in the small town of Aurora, Texas, 50 years before the Roswell event started the craze. The item was silver in variety and molded like a stogie.

The UFO had been steadily falling in altitude when it struck Judge Proctor’s windmill, according to a Dallas News article. The windmill tower was destroyed by the explosion, which also dispersed debris over several acres.

The article also said that the crash had also damaged a well, tainted its water, and caused the locals to bury it.

The article stated:

“The ship’s pilot is supposed to have been the only person on board, and while his remains were badly disfigured, enough of the original has been picked up to demonstrate that he was not a resident of this world,”

The small alien body was buried at the local cemetery, where a brief ceremony was held. The tombstone was taken in 2012, but the existing photographs clearly show that it depicted a crudely carved cigar-shaped object with side portholes.

Sadly for everyone, a spotted fever epidemic was ravaging the area at the time of the crash, so the event quickly vanished from view.

The fact that Brawley and Etta Oates purchased Judge Proctor’s property in 1945 is yet another fascinating aspect. Due to the fact that they had re-dug the well, the entire Oates family began experiencing serious health issues. etta was convinced that the water was radioactive before she passed away.

5. Indian Ocean, September 1862

This strange incident was written about in The Houston Daily Post on May 2, 1897. It was about a Dutch sailor, one of the few men who survived to tell the story.

He had worked as a crew member on the ship Christine. The ship sank in the autumn of 1862 after a storm in the Indian Ocean. Suddenly, the crew members who had been lucky enough to survive found themselves on a small, lifeless island.

UFO roswell

They witnessed an extraordinary event while on the island: A massive UFO flew through the air before colliding with a sharp cliff. It had four enormous wings on its sides and was as big as a battleship.

The men summoned the courage to investigate the wreck, where they discovered the bodies of several 12-foot men dressed strangely and sporting bronze-colored silky beards among the wreckage. The hungry, desperate men couldn’t bear this horrifying discovery, and some even went insane.

Until a Russian trawler came to rescue a few people, the Dutchman was one of the few who made it out alive.

Even though this may be nothing more than a sailor’s tale, it is still very interesting.

4. Stavropol, Russia, late 1800s

In the 1960s, a Soviet investigation found evidence of a UFO crash landing at the end of the 19th century. A “strange apparition flew into a village of the Stavropol province,” according to a number of eyewitnesses, and its passengers had survived the crash.

Three men with dark skin emerged from it. They were showing signs of difficulty breathing and soon perished because they were unable to breathe. The object in which they landed was quickly dismantled by the locals.”

The officials began receiving letters confirming the story as the investigation progressed. Irina Danilova recalled a story that her grandfather, who had been there personally, had told her.

The craft, according to Danilova’s grandfather, was made of metal and had the shape of an arrowhead. The locals quickly took it apart and used the metal to make household items.

“Buried without cross or ritual” were the bodies.

3. Carolinas – 1941

This report is from the book UFO Crash/Retrievals: by Leo Stringfield, a well-known researcher on UFOs. Find the Truth in a Mirror Hall. Stringfield contacted Guy Simeone’s mother, who served in the 26th Infantry Division prior to the United States’ involvement in World War II.

When Simeone was participating in a military exercise “in the Carolinas” in October 1941, an unidentified object crashed in the vicinity. The “crashed round, metallic object” and “little dead bodies from space” quickly piqued interest.

The craft was transported to an Army post nearby. It had a control room with four seats and was approximately 15 feet wide by 10 feet tall. On both the exterior and interior of the silver UFO, strange inscriptions were written.

The four bodies that were found had large, insect-like eyes and were described as being small.

Sadly, aside from the accounts of second-hand witnesses, there is little evidence to support this incident. The craft and the bodies of its passengers remain unknown.

2. Dundy County, Nebraska, 1884

The Nebraska State Journal published an article on June 8, 1884, about the mysterious object’s crash in Dundy County, Nebraska, and the subsequent recovery of peculiar debris.

The journal says that John Ellis, a local rancher, and other locals saw a burning object that looked like a meteor falling from the sky.

The men rode their ponies to the accident site to explore the episode. At the point when they showed up, they found countless radiant articles flung across the accident site.

None of the men dared approach the objects because they burned so brightly and were so hot. The ranchers made the decision to return the following day.

The men realized when they got back that the objects were actually mechanical components that looked like gears, wheels, and propeller blades. It appeared as though they were all made of a metal that was both extremely light and long-lasting. Nobody was found dead.

The devastation’s fate is unknown to everyone.

1. England – WWII

During the height of the Second World War, Gordon Creighton, a former intelligence officer and editor of Flying Saucer Review, initiated an investigation into the UFO crash that occurred on British soil.

British authorities reportedly retrieved and examined the craft’s wreckage.

He found out about the occurrence from a 1955 article distributed in the Los Angeles Inspector by columnist Dorothy Kilgallen.

Here’s a sample:

“I am able to report today on a story that is not only terrifying but also quite spooky. After examining the wreckage of one mysterious flying ship, British scientists and airmen are convinced that these strange aerial objects are not optical illusions or Soviet inventions; rather, they are flying saucers from another planet.

“A British official of cabinet rank who would prefer not to be identified is the source of my information.

‘Based on our investigation thus far, we believe that the saucer staff consisted of small men, probably under four feet tall. The flying saucers are unquestionably from another planet, despite the fact that it is terrifying.’

This official said that scientists said that a flying ship of this kind couldn’t have been built on Earth. I learned that the official report on the “flying saucer” investigation is currently being withheld by the British government, possibly out of concern for public safety.

Creighton made an effort to get in touch with Dorothy Kilgallen and inquire about additional details following the publication of the article.

The researcher was led to believe that “she had been effectively silenced” when she passed away shortly thereafter. However, it turns out that Kilgallen was not the only person who knew about this incident.

Olavo T. Fontes, a Brazilian researcher who studies UFOs, also claimed to have learned about this retrieval from sources within Brazil’s Naval Intelligence, but he provided only a few specifics.

In 1988, former CIA pilot John Lear revealed yet another intriguing detail. According to his sources, the UFO had been “transported to the United States aboard a Boeing B-17.”

Since nothing else is known about this mysterious crash, it would appear that the British government was successful in keeping a lid on it.

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