The moon's surface is home to extraterrestrial life, according to a former CIA official - AIC5

The moon’s surface is home to extraterrestrial life, according to a former CIA official

The Moon has created numerous debates throughout the long term, however not many from any US government official. A previous CIA pilot has expressed that our satellite is possessed by outsiders living under the lunar surface.


John Lear, a former CIA pilot, stated that the government of the United States has information about the Moon and its inhabitants who live underground.

More specifically, “the population is 250 million gray aliens, where they conduct genetic experiments in laboratories.”

“250 million outsiders under the lunar surface”
Lear, one of the best popularizers of the 80s and 90s, has consistently upbraided privileged intel connected with outsiders.

That’s what he said “in 1953, a space craft crashed on The planet, catching an outsider known to EBE 3 “.

“This being subsequently assisted the US government with building some rocket with trend setting innovation.”

«In 1962, the North American nation previously had vehicles that didn’t move quicker than light, like land vehicles . However, these were able to reach the Moon in just 60 minutes due to their speed. Thusly, they arrived at Mars in hours.


Since the first flight to Mars arrived in 1966, there are approximately 600 million aliens and a few human colonies on the red planet.

That’s what lear says “all that we have been told about the Moon is obviously false.” “he discovered secret structures on the satellite, showing photographic evidence of artificial formations,” he claimed in his statements.
Clearly, regardless of the way that the assertions of a previous CIA pilot convey a great deal of weight, there is no indisputable proof of what he said.

Images of the laboratories or evidence that an alien entered an underground base cannot be presented.

Nonetheless, what can’t be denied is the innovative development that space science has made since the 1960s.

A jail planet?
Earth is the subject of another surprising statement made by Lear.

Earth “is actually a prison planet that serves as a kind of prison institution,” according to the popularizer.


It requires that the prisoners—that is, humans—achieve the highest level of development possible. both species and technological

This isn’t the initial occasion when an authority, whether dynamic or resigned, has offered comparable expressions . no matter whether they are on Earth or the Moon.

Truth be told, a brief time frame prior the hypothesis of the ” intergalactic zoo ” was spread the word about. According to this theory, other species can observe us in a prison on the planet.

Similar to this, other characters have asserted that colonies of various alien races, including humans, exist on the Moon.

It’s possible that our satellite has previously been inhabited. Considering the statements made by Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong during the moon landing.

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