Roswell UFO crash took place. He could only communicate with Matilda Mcelroy - AIC5

Roswell UFO crash took place. He could only communicate with Matilda Mcelroy

Even among ufologists, this strange story, which was published in 2008, is still unknown. It was told by a qualified and well-educated woman named Matilda McElroy, who allegedly saw the bodies of aliens in Roswell and even telepathically communicated with one of them.

A three-episode documentary based on the diaries of military officer Jesse Marcel Sr. will air on History Channel in December 2020, who was the man in charge of the strange incident that occurred in Roswell in July 1947?

Marcel specifically noted in his notes that the fragments discovered in New Mexico “were clearly not made by human hands.”

After this movie came out, the Roswell incident got a lot of attention once more. Soon after, some researchers “found” a story from Roswell about a nurse who used telepathy to talk to the only alien who survived a UFO crash.

The senior sergeant in charge of the Women’s Army Corps’ Medical Division was Matilda O’Donnell McElroy. Matilda, who was then 83 years old, wrote to ufologist Laurence Spencer in 2007 and told him a story that she didn’t want to carry with her to her final resting place.

To prevent me from disclosing the information that I helped keep from society up until this point, many people were killed. Just a little modest bunch of individuals on Earth have seen and heard what I ought to have left well enough alone for a considerable length of time.

According to Matilda, she was the driver of a car that drove a particular military officer Cavitt to the crash site of an unidentified object, and she was specifically sent there as a trained and experienced military nurse. According to Matilda, in July 1947, she was the driver of a car that drove Cavitt to the crash site of an unidentified object. Although I frequently suspected that the authorities were very mistaken, believing that their goal was to protect Humanity from the knowledge that intelligent extra

The woman saw the strange ship’s wreckage and the bodies of two aliens when she and the officer arrived at the crash site in the New Mexico desert.

One was dead and the other was alive and cognizant. At the point when Matilda attempted to address a living outsider, she unexpectedly started to get “mental pictures” from the extraterrestrial animal, which she deciphered as an endeavor at clairvoyant correspondence.

Officer Cavitt decided to continue this experience after Matilda told him about it. He assigned her to the alien so that she could watch her and talk to her, keeping a detailed record of everything she said or showed her. Along these lines, the lady was even advanced and her compensation was expanded.

“Our communication did not consist of colloquial speech in the conventional sense,” Matilda said, referring to the surviving alien, who was female and went by the name airl (airl). In point of fact, there was no mouth on the alien’s body at all. Our correspondence was through clairvoyance. At first, I struggled to comprehend airl. Though I was able to perceive images, feelings, and impressions, I had trouble verbalizing them.

Matilda McElroy Once she learned English, she was able to use symbols and meanings of words that I could understand to better focus her thoughts. I did myself a great favor by learning English. It was more for me than for her. ” Matilda was informed by the alien that they were on an expeditionary mission to Earth and that she was a military officer, pilot, and engineer.

She said that their base is known as the Expeditionary Power and is situated in the space rock Belt. Matilda portrayed airl’s appearance as a humanoid animal whose body was the size of a youngster. However, it was not a real creature; rather, it was a biorobot-avatar with synthetic tissues and the ability to be possessed by an actual alien or higher-order being.

Matilda remarked that neither her native language nor the location of her home planet were provided to her by airl. She refused to reveal any classified information to anyone because she was unsure of the military’s intentions.

The medical caretaker called this a serious sign, since, in such a case that the outsiders are undependable on The planet, then it very well may be a major issue for humans.airl called her civilization exceptionally strong, very old, and, most importantly, their main objective was to advance. When Matilda asked airl how long she had been on Earth, she replied, “Long Before Human Experience.” After that, Matilda discovered the following information:

The Earth is a tiny planet located near the star of a galaxy. Because of this, the Earth is very far away from the more numerous planetary civilizations that are located closer to the center of the galaxy. Because of these obvious facts, the Earth was only suitable for current use or as a zoological or botanical garden. as a prison, but that’s about it.

around quite a while back, the Earth started to be utilized as a dump and jail for those outsider creatures who were viewed as crooks or non-conventionalists. These animals were caught, electronically caught, and moved to Earth from different pieces of the “Old Domain”. On Mars and Earth, underground stations were built in the Rwenzori Mountains in Africa, the Pyrenees Mountains (between Spain and France), and the Mongolian steppes to house these creatures.

Matilda talked a lot with the alien, but eventually, the alien “died,” or left her avatar body.

The story of Matilda was included in Spencer’s 2008 book Interview with Aliens. However, the story of Matilda was never particularly checked for reliability, and the book did not become some sort of special revelation for some reason.

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