Only True Marvel Fans Can Identify The MCU Character Based Just on Their Weapon - AIC5

Only True Marvel Fans Can Identify The MCU Character Based Just on Their Weapon

Good luck.

Who does this weapon belong to?

Captain America's shield leaning against a tree, no people in image

Replica of Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, with chain, on forest floor strewn with leaves

Close-up of an actor swinging on a rope amidst explosion debris in an action movie scene

Burnt book with illegible text and intricate cover design, engulfed in flames

Close-up of a character's hand in a black glove with glowing blue lines, likely from a sci-fi or superhero movie

Hand with golden gauntlet, holding two stones, one purple and one yellow

A cartoon image showing a hand reaching out to a sword in a futuristic city setting

A hand holding an ornate, small, rectangular box with intricate detailingRocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy holding a metallic cybernetic arm

Close-up of Iron Man in full armor suit

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