Marvel Rumors Reveal Unexpected Plans for Doctor Doom and Kang in the MCU - AIC5

Marvel Rumors Reveal Unexpected Plans for Doctor Doom and Kang in the MCU

Should Kang fear his Doom?

Avengers Secret Wars Kang the Conqueror Jonathan Majors Doctor Doom Marvel MCU

When will Marvel recast Kang? When is Doctor Doom coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe? A new set of rumors gives fans some unexpected updates on two of the most anticipated comic book baddies.

All eyes have been on Marvel ever since the company parted ways with Jonathan Majors late last year. With Majors playing such an integral part of the MCU’s current saga in Kang the Conqueror, fans have been wondering when the studio plans to recast the character, and which actor they’ll ultimately go with.

However, it seems Marvel may not be as excited to recast Jonathan Majors as fans expect. According to a recent Q&A with Hollywood insider Alex Perez at the Cosmic Circus, the studio plans to focus on other multiversal villains in the MCU before tackling the Kang question. What this could mean for Avengers 5 is unclear, but it may point to delays for the highly anticipated film.

RUMOR: Marvel Studios Eyeing Award-Winning Actor To Replace Jonathan Majors  As The MCU's Kang

Doctor Doom Takes A Back Seat (For Now)
Given how hot of a topic a full recast of Jonathan Majors would be in the media, some fans have floated the idea of replacing the villain entirely for the finale of the MCU’s multiverse saga. Specifically, there’s been hope that Kang would be canned in favor of Doctor Doom, especially given the character’s large role in Marvel’s original Secret Wars comics.

Yet Marvel isn’t too keen on that idea either. In the same report, Alex Perez revealed that the studio wants to treat Doctor Doom as the MCU’s next Loki. A villain who appears throughout multiple films, sometimes even as a hero, instead of spending up all of his usefulness in one massive event. While perhaps disappointing to fans of comic accuracy, this may be the only true way to get the full gamut of Doctor Doom’s character in a live-action product.

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