Due to the "hazardous" nature of the inside, a UFO restaurant has been abandoned for 15 years - AIC5

Due to the “hazardous” nature of the inside, a UFO restaurant has been abandoned for 15 years

Rose of the Winds has been left to rot

Creepy photographs show what is left of the flying saucer-styled structure, which was a drifting eatery called Arizona that was gotten across Poland during the 1990s prior to shutting its entryways

A previously well-known UFO-molded café which sits on the edge of a lake has passed on to spoil after it was deserted.

Scary photographs show what is left of the flying saucer-styled structure, which was a drifting eatery called Arizona.

It was a hit with sightseers in the clean city of Chorzów during the 1960s, however it was moved during the 1990s to Lake Pogoria in Katowice, where it returned under the name ‘Rose of the Breezes’.

What’s more, since it shut in the midst of wellbeing worries in 2008, it has sat deserted, weaving ceaselessly on the banks of Lake Pogoria, gradually decaying endlessly.

This year, a photographer and urban explorer by the name of Kyle Urbex visited the city and documented his search for the relic.

The amazing glass roof  It once boasted great views

Photographs from the outside seem to show an outsider space apparatus has arrived on the lake.

However, there were no indications of something going on under the surface on the art as photographs taken inside show the condition of decay it has fallen into, with missing flooring planks and grimy windows apparent.

He said: ” It’s simply been sat docked in the side of the lake spoiling endlessly, so it was a piece perilous getting in.

“However, once I got inside, it’s fascinating and makes you realize how incredible it must have been when it was open.

“I needed to investigate it since it’s peculiar, it’s not something you see consistently.”

The restaurant was relocated  It has been left to rot

In its prime, the café was a primary fascination at vacationer area of interest Park Śląski.

It was able to move freely around the lake thanks to its powerful engine and its ability to float on the surface of the water.

The structure’s control panel was once used to move it on the water, as evidenced by photographs taken inside the derelict building.

They additionally show the condition of dilapidation the structure has been left in since it shut quite a while back. Lager jars and proof of defacing can likewise be seen.

Kyle, of Leeds, West Yorkshire, visited Poland in May and invested quite a bit of his energy investigating deserted structures.

It used to be a popular spot It hasn't seen visitors for a while

He has documented explorations of mills, abandoned houses, and even the club where the Full Monty finale was filmed in recent years.

Also, he rates the spaceship diner in his main 10, adding: ” It’s so remarkable.

“When you’re inside it was an out of control situation, you couldn’t say whether the slides will surrender.

“The most amazing aspect for me was the perspective on the lake and the red record rooftop tiles on the rooftop.

“Being there was a little eerie. Likely the vast majority of the time it’s only me all alone.

“It could be difficult to convey your message and explain what you’re doing if someone has a problem with you being there.”

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