An amazing fossil described as a “dragon” that defies belief was found by archaeologists in China.

A few fossils, named the “China mythical serpent fossils”, were as of late shown in the Xinwei Old Life Fossils Gallery in Anshun, Guizhou. At the point…

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Discovered in Ukraine: Perfectly Preserved Mammoth-Bone Dwellings

In an entrancing archeological disclosure, impeccably saved mammoth-bone homes have been revealed in Ukraine. These old designs give an interesting look into the existences of early human…

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Upon examining this 3,000-year-old mummy, the medical professionals found an unexpected detail.

In 1909, a New York financial specialist named Samuel Brown made a trip to Egypt to buy a couple of old mummies for the Albany Establishment of…

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The most famous man in history to be imprisoned in ice, Otzi, terrifies tourists.

In 1991, two German hikers found Tzi in the Alps. He was in such perfect condition that they thought he was a recently deceased mountaineer. It turned…

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An ancient mummy wearing 1,100-year-old adidas boots died from a head injury.

A medieval mummy known for her “Adidas” boots, which she wore more than a millennium ago, has been revealed in intriguing new details. The body of the…

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A farmer stumbles upon a large “dinosaur egg,” and upon opening it, he discovers something startling.

Discover the Startling Truth Beneath the Mysterious Shell by Following the Farmer’s Journey! Mateo Suarez was a farmer who lived in a peaceful area known as deep….

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Archaeologists are astounded by a dragon skeleton they found on the shore.

A transport estimated daon head appeared on Dorset’s “Jurassic Coast” — known for its dinosaur fossils — to advance the arrival of “Round of Privileged positions” season…

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Scientific “detective work” on mummies from South America indicates they were ruthlessly murdered.

How successive was brutality in ancient human social orders? One method for estimating this is to search for injury in ancient human remaining parts. For instance, a…

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Discovering the Ridiculous Story of 1,600 Tons of Gold Stacked Below Lake Baikal’s Surface and a Treasure No One Dare to Take?

An immense fortune comprising of 1,600 tons of gold is said to have stayed lethargic for many years at the lower part of Lake Baikal like an…

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Amazing Discovery: A 200-year-old mermaid is welcomed to England’s coast, leaving onlookers in awe

In one of the shocks of occasions, Eglad’s figure as of late turned into the location of a noteworthy disclosure: the dormant body of a mermaid. This…

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