Avengers: 25 Greatest Behind-the-Scenes Photos From Endgame & Infinity War - AIC5

Avengers: 25 Greatest Behind-the-Scenes Photos From Endgame & Infinity War

What happens off camera is just as interesting as the movies themselves.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Not all MCU movies are created equal. Though the franchise is the biggest in the industry with 23 chapters to its name, there are two entries that stand above the rest. Avengers Infinity War and Endgame are two of best Marvel Studios have ever put out, and are two of the most ambitious movies of all time.

From the sheer amount of actors on set, balancing just about every character from the last decade, to the effects that made them as aesthetically stunning as they were, an unprecedented amount of work went into bringing the Avengers movies to the screen.

Now, two years removed from the release of Infinity War, and one year from Endgame, we are finally getting a real look behind the scenes of both movies. Incredible measures were taken over the last two years to keep the secrets of these movies quiet, including Thanos himself demanding our silence, but no longer.

From online watch along parties, to general social media updates from the Russos, the writers, and the cast themselves, we now have a truly fascinating look behind the scenes of these two ground breaking movies. Some are incredibly insightful into how a movie is made, some will send a shiver down your spine, and others are just hilarious.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

After spending Infinity War apart, the original Avengers came back together in Endgame. Just a missing Black Widow stops this from being perfect.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

The image that broke the internet. These three coming together was one of the absolute highlights of Infinity War.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

The job of Thanos’ hired muscle was something of a redundant one, but Cull Obsidian was still intimidating to just about everyone, except Joe Russo.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Karen Gillan was a stand out in both Infinity War and Endgame, even after having to balance six feet in the air for hours on end.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

At least it’s a better disguise than sunglasses and a baseball cap.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

They may have butted heads on screen, but that didn’t stop the two Sherlocks bonding over a hot sauce salad behind the scenes.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Even halfway through being turned into an old man and he’s still as annoyingly handsome as ever.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

She had a run in with the Tesseract all those years ago, but could Captain Marvel have survived snapping her fingers?

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

A shot from before the quantum suits were edited in, and an Oscar worthy performance from Sean Gunn.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

So that’s how you make a giant of Peter Dinklage.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Rabbit standing next to some melted ice cream behind the scenes on Asgard.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

The Russos celebrate a job well done, having perfectly recreated an entire set piece from 2012.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Imagine being Joe and Anthony Russo, living their dreams and even getting the chance to direct the incredible Robert Redford!

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Joe Russo caught on set wondering how he is going to make something as ridiculous as this look impressive.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

All work and no play makes Cap a dull boy.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Just in case anyone forgot who Josh Brolin was playing on set, he employed a huge floating picture of Thanos everywhere he went.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

This is the closest we’ll get to seeing T’Challa and Rocket interact for now, but who knows what the future holds. Maybe in the upcoming What If…?



Is there any other image as pure as seeing this man laughing or fooling around? This was from another set of early images that broke the internet when it leaked pre-Endgame.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Just making sure this shot looked as epic as it deserved… it did.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Yes, Karen Gillan was happy to be there, she just couldn’t show it under Nebula’s make up.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Banner’s armour isn’t quite as intimidating before the special effects kick in, though strangely just as impressive in styrofoam.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Josh Brolin looking surprisingly happy to have just been hit with Stormbreaker.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

None of this would have ever been possible without this incredible man. Thank you Stan.

Styrofoam Hulkbuster Infinity War

Possibly the biggest cast to ever assemble for a movie commemorating an incredible moment. Some probably still thought they were at a wedding.

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