Alien bodies discovered mummified in a cave on the Nazca Plateau - AIC5

Alien bodies discovered mummified in a cave on the Nazca Plateau

The Nazca Mummy: A new image depicts the mummified bodies of aliens found in a cave on the Nazca Plateau. The discovery of additional bodies and the journey to the underground city inhabited by aliens

About the one who found the cavern with the mummies and they call him Mary. Since 1990, Mario has searched the Nazca Plateau for evidence of ancient civilizations. He claimed that he had been exploring the inhospitable mountains for many years, exploring the caves, and reading all the books related to the plains of Nazca and the ancient civilizations there. In his words, he found a lot of mysterious places in his quests.

He immediately recognized that this cave resembled a tomb when he found the entrance. He discovered two sarcophagi within the cave. One contained a number of unknown objects, while the other two contained numerous small humanoids and mummies of medium size. The white powder and the largest mummy in the sarcophagus were not nearby.

Mario was right to be concerned that no one would know about his discovery and that his life might be in danger if he told his government or official scientist about it.

Jaime Maussean claimed that Mario had disallowed him from taking photographs and videos, as well as from revealing the cave where the sensational find had been made. In a similar vein, he declines to hand over the items discovered in the first sarcophagus.


Mario claims that he only showed a tenth of what he discovered in the cave and did not disclose the cave’s location. You have not yet explored the tunnels that lead into the country from the cave, which is intended to be a large hall. He is concerned that the cave will be destroyed if the government locates the appropriate location.

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