The US government acknowledges reclaiming UFO-related materials - AIC5

The US government acknowledges reclaiming UFO-related materials

The recent disclosure of UFO sightings by the mainstream media is a significant development that suggests a shift in approach to the topic. Government denial campaigns have been waged against UFOs, and the establishment is to blame for the absurd articles that regularly appear in mainstream media publications mocking a subject that is actually quite real. The way that the media is constrained by a tiny gathering, and that declassified reports close by informant declaration has made this understood, makes the new standard divulgence problematic.


One explanation could be that it is a cunning approach to delivering data to cover more significant data. The MK Ultra program, a mind-control program run by the CIA, demonstrates the sharing of information and the truth in order to lie.

See also 3 Black Triangle Crafts Stream Past the ISS. The public thought they knew everything when it was made public, but there was still more that was kept secret. The Pentagon’s recent disclosure of UFOs, in which it admitted to running the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, may be analogous.

However, its backers assert that the program, which was terminated in 2012, is still in existence, and the Pentagon has not acknowledged its existence. This suggests that the most recent disclosure might not reveal everything there is to know about UFOs, and there might be more to the story that hasn’t been revealed.

If this is the US government’s slow disclosure initiative, then why is it being carried out now? The fact that this story is being covered by mainstream media suggests that they have been compelled to act. However, the reasons for this change in strategy are still a mystery.

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