The Apollo 17 astronaut was in a state of shock after seeing a UFO on the Moon - AIC5

The Apollo 17 astronaut was in a state of shock after seeing a UFO on the Moon

The Apollo 17 mission was the final one for NASA’s Apollo program, the final time that people stepped foot on the Moon, and the first time that extraterrestrial life was found.
The final mission of NASA’s Apollo program and the final time that humans stepped foot on the Moon or outside of low Earth orbit was Apollo 17 (December 7–19, 1972). While Command Module Pilot Ronald Evans circled the moon, Commander Gene Cernan and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmidt walked on it.

The majority of the time, NASA astronauts adhere to a “script” and are well aware of their every move.

The astronaut, however, was too taken aback by what he had never seen before. He stopped paying attention to his “lines” and the plot.

Instead, begin a protracted, impromptu chat. The astronauts were genuinely taken aback. He appears to be in charge, in contrast to his coworkers.

The astronaut enquired as to what the things flying over his head were. He then starts to laugh. Unexpectedly, the second astronaut was stumped for words as well. This was not anticipated or included in the script. He was aware that NASA officials were keeping an eye on them, though.

After a brief pause, he declared that it had been an explosion from the high-gain antenna of the rover’s spherical disk.

More things begin to fly, and this time, there is real excitement. The astronaut then becomes aware that he has spoken inappropriately in front of NASA and the cameras. He hesitantly agrees to the nebulous justification. He seems quite agitated, and in the backdrop of his voice, you can sense sarcasm and disbelief.

While CAPCOM acknowledges that it was an antenna explosion and that it had previously occurred, NASA steps in to try to diffuse this unpleasant situation.

The antenna explosion, according to the astronaut who was obviously in command, was just “routine.”

This video is fascinating. Exploding Styrofoam on the Moon? Has this ever occurred before? Has it gotten to this stage where they’ve already taken action?

There were no compromises made between the crew and the astronauts due to the meticulous design of the space program.

What do you think now that you’ve seen the picture? Has the antenna blown up? Styrofoam that explodes? Or did someone lie to us about the number of “visitors” the two astronauts encountered?

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